Thursday, November 29, 2012

Last Meeting of the Semester


I will be leaving tomorrow for a three month research trip in India.  While I'm gone Phil Pickett and Maliha will be leading the group.  We will be having our LAST MEETING of the semester NEXT TUESDAY (12/4) at 6:00 PM in 105 PSRC.  We will wrap up the semester and introduce plans for after the holidays.  I hope you all make it!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Jelly vs. Jam

Thank-you to everyone who came out for out meeting last night.  I think it went well for our first guest speaker and I hope to have more in the future.  I also think we all know more about jelly and jam now then we ever though we would, haha.

Exciting news! Renowned environmental scientist Dr. Margaret Lowman will be the featured speaker at The University of Southern Mississippi’s next Honors Forum Series, set for 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 13 at the Thad Cochran Center Ballroom on the Hattiesburg campus.  She has been called the "Real-Life Lorax" which is awesome!  I would really like everyone to attend her talk.  I will definitely be going.  For more information visit the following link:

Dr. Margaret Lowman

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Next Meeting November 6th

Good morning advocates!

I wanted to let everyone know we will be having our next meeting on Tuesday November 6th at 5:30 PM in 105 PSRC (same as last time).  This meeting will be very exciting because we will be having our first GUEST SPEAKER!!!!

Dr. Deborah Booth from the chemistry department here at USM gardens her own fruits and vegetables, makes them into jams, and sells them at our local farmers market!  Dr. Booth will be giving a presentation at our meeting about her gardening, jam making, and how to properly can/jar/freeze food to be more sustainable.  Please try and make it out, the better turn out we have the more guest speakers we can get!!  You can learn more about Dr. Booth on the USM website.  We will also be discussing t-shirts, the recycling campaign, plans for november, and I would like for us to work on applying to be a bike friendly university and I need everyone's help!!  I hope to see you all there!

Photograph of Dr. Debbie Booth
Dr. Deborah Booth

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Going Green for Halloween...

Hello green people!

I wanted to give a huge thank-you to everyone who came out for the halloween carnival.  Our booth was a big success and we made so many candy holders and ghosts that we ran out of materials.  The recycling games were also tons of fun and I think we did a good job reaching out to the kids.  Also, a big thank-you for the POLY/PMSE ACS chapter for teaming up with up and donating the supplies, we couldn't have done it without you!

For those of you who didn't make it out here is what our booth did:  One section of our booth did arts and crafts with the kids where we made candy holders out of recycled toilet paper rolls and tissue paper that I have been saving from my "shopping sprees" over the last year (i.e. the tissue paper that stores love to wrap your purchases in before putting it in the bag).  We also made tootsie pop ghosts using paper that we all have been saving that was used on one side but not on the other.  The other section of our booth did recycling games and trivia to teach kids how to recycle!  The kids learned how to sort their recycling (were even timed!) and also tried to knock down some bottles (recycled vitamin water bottles) to win prizes!  Here is some pictures we got of the event.....

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween Carnival

Tomorrow the Sustainability Advocates are teaming up with POLY/PMSE at the Fall Halloween Carnival at USM on Weathersby Lawn.  We have two booths, one for making Halloween decorations out of recycled materials and another will have fun recycling games and prizes!  This is tomorrow from 4-6 PM.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Psychopath is better than no path....

Hey everyone!

It's been a while since I've updated to bear with me for a little bit!  First things first, we will be having a meeting TOMORROW (Tuesday 10/23) at 5:30 PM in 105 PSRC.  We will be preparing our booth for the halloween carnival this friday.  We will be making halloween crafts with the kids out of recycled materials.  Please try and bring the following materials to the meeting:

1. Cardboard
2. Newspaper
3.  Plastic Bottles
4.  Toilet paper/Paper towel cardboard rolls

No glass please because we are working with kids :) 

Also, a big thanks to everyone who came out for our interview and for participating in the biking flash mob.  Here is the link to the article and the video should be up this week!


Monday, October 8, 2012

MeatLess Monday

Today is.....


That's right, the PGC challenge for the day is to go meatless.  I'm pretty excited about this and I am officially installing meatless monday as a recurring weekly theme in my household.  I hope you all do the same. Meatless mondays is important to me because if everyone in the US joined the Meatless Monday movement, we would collectively save approximately 12 billion gallons of gasoline!

 Bring some of the meatless recipes you try out to our meeting this week to share, see you guys then!

Also, don't forgot to take the meatless pledge at EWG's website:

Good-luck guys :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012



Attention Sustainability Advocates!

We will be having our second meeting THIS WEEK before everyone leaves for Fall Break.  The meeting will be held Tuesday night at 6:00 PM in the Polymer Science Building Room 105 (That's PSRC 105).  If you need help finding the room please contact me via e-mail at We will go over some new updates, our progress with project green challenge, and possibly participating in the Halloween Fair :)

Project green challenge is going great!  USM is actually ranked in the leader board so nice work advocates :)  I've one two of the prize packages so far and they are awesome.  So far USM has been mentioned on the PGC social media six times! This is awesome! Let's keep up the good work and keep getting points!

Also, I am going on Day 7 of my car-less (almost) pledge.  Here is my mileage so far:

Biking: 37.2 Miles
Driving:  36.6 Miles (All carpooling!)

So far I am about even....and as for my experience so far.  The only time it's difficult is when I really want to bike somewhere at night....but I worry about my safety.  Also, while riding on fourth street near campus the other day (right where it's 15 mph) someone yelled at me to get on the sidewalk.  I have also been honked at a few times.  But, all in all, I'd say it's not too hard! And then weather has been great!  And for those of you out there in mississippi that think I'm crazy, here's a little something for you....

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 3 of Living Green

Top o'the mornin Green Pioneers!

Today is Day 3 of both Project Green Challenge and my Car-less pledge!!  Here are some updates....

Project Green Challenge:
PGC has got off to a great start!  Those of us participating for USM are getting recognition and I even won one of the prizes for the Day 1 challenge.  For those of you participating, please send me some of your challenges so I can post them on here and our facebook page :)  Today's challenges are about labels, and so far I'm actually learning a lot, especially about labels that I'd like to start looking for!  Although, we are limited here in Hattiesburg since we do not have any green grocers, but maybe we can change that!

Here is the Pinterest Board I made yesterday for the GREENEST challenge:

Car-less Pledge:

For those of you who don't know, myself and a few other members of our group have taken a car-less pledge this month, or at least we are TRYING, which is all you can ask for right??  So far we are three days in and I have only drove my car once (to yoga!) and we carpooled.  I have biked a total of ten miles and I am going to keep track of all my biking miles and at the end of them month calculate ow much I saved on gas and the amount of fuel emissions I avoided.  We will be presenting the results of this month's pledge at our meeting in November and we'll see who wants to take the pledge next month.

Next Meeting:
We will be having our second meeting for the semester next week!! I have not chosen the exact day and time, but I will keep everyone posted.  I can't wait to get started on some of our projects and to see everyone's progress with PGC.  See you all soon!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Only One Day To Go!

Hello my fellow sustainable pioneers!

Project Green Challenge begins tomorrow!! I sent an E-mail out to the group with the instructions on how the challenges will be posted and how we are to document them.  Even though we are signing up individually, all points benefit USM!  I will be posting my daily challenges here on our blog and I would love to see everyone elses progress as well.  Please post whatever you document to our facebook page and you ca also send them to me to put on here!  Good luck everyone, I hope we can complete all the challenges :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Project Green Challenge

Hello Advocates!!

I have exciting news! This year USM will officially be participating in....
 Project Green Challenge!!

This is a 30-day challenge where teams from schools all over the world will complete "green" challenges on a daily basis, document their progress via video, and post the videos onto their teams page.  I think most of the challenges will be easily accomplished and the grand prizes are pretty awesome! This will also be a first for USM and I think this will be a great push for our group to get ourselves out there.

Now, I understand everyone is very busy (including myself) but if you think you can manage being a part of this and are serious about participating then we will be having a short info session meeting this Friday at 12:15 PM.  I tried to get a classroom reserved, but it was too short notice.  So I figured, it's going to be a lovely day out, so lets just meet outside and have a picnic lunch meeting! I was thinking we could meet in shoemaker square, the grassy area next to Cook library near the fountain.  Like I said, if you are interested in participating (and I hope you are!) then we will be meeting THIS FRIDAY at 12:15 PM on the open grassy area next to cook library.  SO bring a blanket and a lunch and I hope to see you guys there!

If you would like to read a bit more about the challenge and the program check out their website:

I'm excited about this and I hope you guys are too!! Remember the Lorax!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Terra Blight Film Screening

Hello Advocates!!

This is a friendly reminder to come and check out the Terra Blight Film Screening tomorrow afternoon at 5:15 PM located in the Thad Cochran Ballroom I.  Terra Blight is a 55 minute documentary exploring America's consumption of computers and the hazardous waste we create in pursuit of the latest technology. 
The director and other members of the film crew will be there showing the film!  The film will be followed by a short Q&A with the filmmakers.  For more information check out the facebook page:

I hope to see you all there!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Meeting Recap

All in all I think the first meeting went pretty well! We had a turn out of about 25 people which is more than I expected so I am pretty pumped!  If you were not able to make it to the meeting here are some updates:

*There was a great idea suggested by a member to get a collaboration started with the art program here at USM to host a "Sustainable Art Event".  I think this is a fantastic idea!  What I'd like to do is get some of the art students to submit pieces of sustainable art to be presented in a gallery.  The Sustainability Advocates can host the gallery event and sell tickets to raise money for our group.  If anyone is already involved with the art program and can help us get started please let me know! And here is a fun idea for sustainable art that one of our members, Brandon Drescher, came across, could be a fun project for us to try out!

*There was also a suggestion last night to get a collaboration started with the Payne Center.  I think there is definitely some potential here! I think we can work together with them to perhaps get some of the new exercise equipment available that uses the energy generated by the person on the equipment to actually power the gym.  This will be a challenge, but even if we can only get one treadmill that would be awesome!  Here is an article from TIME magazine on "people powered gyms" you should check it out!,8599,2032281,00.html

*We also decided that thursday nights probably won't be the best nights for meetings since that is generally when project Rake and Ride takes place.  I will update soon on the new meeting days.

That's about all the updates I have for today.  Haley and I will be finishing up the grant proposal for the Rake and Ride this week and hopefully we can get some money!  Everyone keep brainstorming on some fundraising ideas.  I'm super stoked guys, I think this is going to be great!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

First Meeting Ever!

Tonight will be the first Sustainability Advocates meeting ever! I am so excited to meet all of the members and really get this ball rolling.  Tonight we will be discussing the plans for the group for the year.  This includes:

*Starting a community garden on campus
*Project Rake and Ride
*Upcycling/Refurbishing Workshops
*Earth Week

It's going to be a lot of fun and I hope we have a great turn out!