Thursday, May 23, 2013

Much Needed Updates!

Hello everyone!

I'm sorry it has been so long since I have updated the group's happenings, I was so exhausted after Earth Week this year I kind of fell behind.  But I am happy to say Earth Week was AMAZING! The Sustainability Advocates were in the media three times that week. Our Mock Oil Spill was featured in the Hattiesburg American, the Conscious Living Information Station was covered by Channel 7 news and the story was shown that same night, and we were even mentioned on Southern Miss radio and in the Student Printz....we are AWESOME!  The Town Hall meeting was a huge success and the team from Teens Turning Green said it was the best turn out they had seen at all 17 schools the visited and that Southern Miss truly blew them away.  I am so proud and grateful to everyone who helped that week and made all of our events happened, it may sounds cheesy, but I think we are definitely making a difference and helping people become more aware about what sustainability is and how they can change their lives! Check out these pics from Earth Week....